Monday, November 5, 2012

70 days!!!!

Hello my fellow Disney lovers. :)

I am so sorry that I have been bad at posting these days. I have been feeling kinda sick and there was also a hurricane where I am from. So please be patient with me. I am lucky enough that myself, my family, my friends, and my boyfriend are all safe and so are their homes. So now on to the Disney talk. I checked my Tumblr today to discover that it is in fact 70 days until I am in Walt Disney World. It actually feels unbelievable that I am going to be living and working their for four months. I don't think I will ever stop checking my dashboard just to double check that it wasn't just a dream. So with that I am happy to announce that I officially have all five of my roommates and they seem super sweet and fun. I can't wait to get there on the 13th and finally meet them! Roomies dinner before check-in the next day! I also made us reservations for the new and beautiful Be Our Guest restaurant in New Fantasyland. I cannot wait to go there! I've seen pictures and it looks stunning. It's going to be absolutely amazing. I have started packing up my sheets and things because they have just been laying in my parents room in a corner for about a month. They are awesome for keeping it in there so now it is packed up and thrown in my room. So pumped. I started playing Mission Timekeeper the other day. It was so fun but really hard. I took more notes playing that game then I have my entire semester in school so far. Oops? This is what happens when you're a Disney addict. Well I am pretty sure that is all that has happened since I've last updated. I keep making new friends on the Disney groups which is super exciting. Everybody seems so nice. I can't wait to just be there already! I just keep remembering, 70 days. I suppose that is it for now. I will continue to chat in the groups now.

Have a magical day,
Christina. :D

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